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support This page is designed to give you all the tools you'll need to configure and setup a chat room for your site. We've attempted to make this process as simple as possible but remember live assistance is available by clicking the help link above if you should have any problems. Please read about the three available methods below and chose the one that is right for you.

  • There are several options available for configuring your chat room. The easiest is a simple link.
  • Another method is using our chat code generator below using it will allow you to customize almost everything about your chat, including colours of backgrounds, foregrounds, joins, quits, nickname changes, and more! use the wizard interface below to generate the HTML
  • The third method is for more advanced chat room setup options, if you click here you will find many preconfigured themes available to cut and paste on your website.
  • Add Live Stats for your chat room to your web site. Chat Stats
  • Visit here for tips or to ask questions on our Support Forum.

  • Please complete the form below to customize your chat applet or to use the default settings, remember to click the "Generate" button below.
  • Change the room name after you paste the chat code on your page to your room name. If you want an active chat room on your site and don't want to have to have to grow and manage one leave the default #lobby It's moderated PG-13 rated and generally active with friendly people.

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